WHO’s Decade of Age-Friendly Communities: Discover how 3 global cities are embracing our “Golden Years”

Aug 18, 2023

As the world’s population ages, it becomes increasingly important to create communities that cater to the needs and aspirations of older adults. In recognition of this, the World Health Organization (WHO) has launched the Decade of Age-Friendly Communities, a global initiative aimed at making cities and towns more livable and inclusive for people of all ages. This article will explore the joyful journey towards age-friendly communities and how the WHO’s initiative is unlocking the power of aging gracefully.

Embracing the Golden Years: A Joyful Journey Towards Age-Friendly Communities

The golden years should be a time of joy, fulfillment, and connection. Age-friendly communities enable older adults to embrace this period of their lives by providing them with the necessary support and opportunities for active participation. These communities prioritize the needs of older adults, ensuring that they have access to affordable housing, transportation, healthcare, and social services. By fostering environments that promote intergenerational connections and inclusion, age-friendly communities celebrate the wisdom and experiences of older adults, making them feel valued and engaged.

In age-friendly communities, older adults can lead independent and fulfilling lives, remaining active and contributing members of society. From accessible public spaces to age-friendly businesses and recreational facilities, these communities prioritize the well-being and quality of life of older adults. They offer opportunities for lifelong learning, cultural engagement, and access to nature, allowing older adults to continue pursuing their interests and passions. By embracing the golden years, age-friendly communities ensure that older adults can age with dignity and purpose.

Unlocking the Power of Aging Gracefully: WHO’s Decade for Vibrant and Inclusive Communities

The World Health Organization’s Decade of Age-Friendly Communities aims to transform cities and towns into vibrant and inclusive places for people of all ages. By encouraging policymakers, community leaders, and individuals to embrace the power of aging gracefully, the initiative seeks to challenge ageism and promote positive attitudes towards aging. It calls for actions that empower older adults, create age-friendly environments, and foster social inclusion.

Fit older adults, positive ageing

The WHO’s Decade of Age-Friendly Communities recognizes that aging is a natural and valuable part of life. By promoting healthy and active aging, the initiative seeks to maximize the potential of older adults and ensure their well-being. It encourages the development of policies and strategies that promote social participation, respect, and equal opportunities for all generations. By unlocking the power of aging gracefully, the WHO’s initiative strives to create communities that celebrate the diversity and contributions of people of all ages.


Embracing the golden years should be a joyful journey, filled with opportunities for growth, connection, and purpose. The World Health Organization’s Decade of Age-Friendly Communities is paving the way for vibrant and inclusive cities and towns that cater to the needs and aspirations of older adults. By prioritizing the well-being and quality of life of older adults, these age-friendly communities unlock the power of aging gracefully. Let us embrace this journey with open arms, celebrating the wisdom, experiences, and contributions of older adults, and creating a world where everyone can age with dignity and joy.

Singapore’s Journey to Becoming an Age-Friendly City

In the bustling city-state of Singapore, a quiet revolution is taking place—one that centers on the well-being and inclusivity of its aging population. With a rapidly aging demographic, Singapore has embarked on a transformative journey to become an age-friendly city, driven by the recognition that a society’s vitality is intertwined with the well-being of its seniors. This concerted effort aligns with the World Health Organization’s Age-Friendly Cities and Communities program, which emphasizes optimizing health, participation, and security opportunities to enhance the quality of life for older adults.

Singapore’s approach to becoming age-friendly is marked by strategic policies and innovative initiatives. The city’s commitment to accessible infrastructure is evident in its continuous efforts to create pedestrian-friendly spaces, install ramps and elevators, and provide seating options throughout public areas, ensuring that seniors can navigate the city with ease. The “Silver Zones” program, launched in 2014, has transformed selected neighborhoods into safe havens for seniors by implementing traffic-calming measures and enhancing pedestrian safety.

In addition to physical infrastructure, Singapore places a strong emphasis on social engagement and inclusion. Initiatives like the “Community Networks for Seniors” program connect older adults with peers and activities in their neighborhoods, combating social isolation. The city also encourages intergenerational bonding through projects like the “Young at Heart” program, which brings seniors and youths together for art, music, and dance activities.

The government’s commitment to health is reflected in the “Health Promotion Board’s Active Aging” initiatives, which promote physical activities and healthy living among older adults. Singapore’s integrated healthcare system offers accessible and affordable medical services, including specialized care for seniors, fostering a holistic approach to well-being.

Singapore’s journey towards age-friendly living demonstrates a steadfast dedication to its older population’s quality of life. By blending accessible infrastructure, social engagement, and health promotion, Singapore is rewriting the narrative of aging, showcasing that a city’s progress is intertwined with its commitment to its elders’ vitality and happiness.

**Barcelona: A Paradigm of Age-Friendly Urban Living**

Nestled along the Mediterranean coast, Barcelona stands not only as a cultural gem but also as a shining example of an age-friendly city. The city’s commitment to creating an inclusive and supportive environment for its older residents has earned it recognition as an age-friendly city, aligning with the principles of the World Health Organization’s Age-Friendly Cities and Communities program. Through a blend of innovative policies and community-driven initiatives, Barcelona has embraced the challenges and opportunities that come with an aging population.

Barcelona’s age-friendly journey is evident in its focus on accessible urban planning and design. The city’s “Superblocks” concept reimagines the layout of neighborhoods, creating car-free zones that prioritize pedestrians and cyclists. This approach not only promotes physical activity but also enhances safety and social interactions, fostering a sense of community cohesion.

To combat social isolation, Barcelona has established a range of programs that promote intergenerational connections. One notable initiative is the “Graners de Cultura” project, which pairs older adults with young people to exchange skills and experiences. This project not only encourages mutual learning but also addresses stereotypes associated with aging, fostering understanding and respect between generations.

Barcelona’s commitment to healthcare accessibility is reflected in its “Age-Friendly Health Services” program. By tailoring healthcare services to older adults’ unique needs and promoting preventive care, the city prioritizes healthy aging. Additionally, the “Friendly Pharmacies” initiative provides seniors with specialized guidance on medication management and health-related information.

The “Vincles BCN” program epitomizes Barcelona’s dedication to technology-driven solutions for seniors’ well-being. Through an app and a network of volunteers, older adults can connect with their peers, participate in activities, and access essential services, enhancing social engagement and quality of life.

Barcelona’s transformation into an age-friendly city is a testament to its forward-thinking policies and deep-rooted commitment to inclusive urban living. By creating spaces that cater to the diverse needs of older adults, fostering intergenerational connections, and prioritizing health and well-being, Barcelona offers a model for cities worldwide seeking to create an age-friendly future.

**Dublin: Pioneering Age-Friendly Urban Evolution**

Dublin, the vibrant capital of Ireland, has embarked on a transformative journey towards becoming an age-friendly city, showcasing an inspiring commitment to enhancing the quality of life for its older citizens. Aligned with the principles of the World Health Organization’s Age-Friendly Cities and Communities program, Dublin’s approach blends innovative policies with practical initiatives that cater to the diverse needs of its aging population.

Dublin’s age-friendly transformation is evident in its accessible infrastructure. The city has undertaken significant efforts to create pedestrian-friendly spaces, improve public transportation accessibility, and install seating areas across urban landscapes. Initiatives like the “Age-Friendly Pedestrian Crossings” project enhance road safety and ease of mobility, ensuring that seniors can navigate the city with confidence.

To combat social isolation, Dublin has launched innovative programs that foster intergenerational connections. The “Age Well Every Day” initiative encourages community participation through activities such as art workshops, fitness classes, and technology training, promoting social engagement and mental well-being among older adults. Moreover, Dublin’s commitment to age-friendly cultural offerings is reflected in the “Bealtaine Festival,” a month-long celebration of creativity that caters specifically to older audiences.

Dublin’s healthcare services also cater to its aging population’s unique needs. The “AGE Friendly Hospitals Program” ensures that hospitals are equipped to provide specialized care to older patients, promoting dignified and compassionate treatment. Additionally, the “Dublin City Age-Friendly Pharmacies Charter” offers seniors access to knowledgeable pharmacists who provide guidance on medications and health-related inquiries.

The city’s emphasis on technology-driven solutions is evident through projects like “Dublin’s Digital Hub.” This initiative aims to bridge the digital divide among seniors by providing training in digital skills and encouraging their participation in the online world, promoting connectivity and access to information.

Dublin’s journey towards age-friendliness exemplifies how a city can evolve to meet the changing needs of its population. By prioritizing accessible infrastructure, fostering intergenerational connections, tailoring healthcare services, and embracing technology, Dublin is redefining urban living to ensure that all its residents, regardless of age, can thrive.


Spain: Barcelona Age-friendly city – Together we build a city for all ages – July 2011 – Age-Friendly World (who.int)

Ministry of Health Singapore. (2021). Singapore’s Healthcare System. Retrieved from https://www.moh.gov.sg/home/our-healthcare-system

Age Friendly City | Dublin City Council

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